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Join Susan Bradley on The Ecommerce Roadmap. Each week, we'll take you behind the scenes of real stores where you’re going to learn actionable strategies and tips that will fast-track the growth and profitability of your e-commerce business.

Dec 15, 2022

When I was thinking about what I could share with you that would set you up to start the year strong, I knew that this one exercise is what changed everything for me in my business life.

As you glide into the Holidays and prepare for a new year, I know that taking the time to do this is the best gift you can give your business.

It will set you up to eliminate overwhelm and get clarity on your focus.

Listen to the episode, and then come do the work below!

Here are the questions you need to ask yourself:

Current status of my business:

  • What is my exact revenue for the past 12 months?
  • What exactly have I paid myself in the last 12 months?
  • What is working in my business now?
  • What is not working in my business now?
  • How many days/hours am I working each week?
  • Is my business profitable?


12 month vision of the status of my business:

  • What exactly will annual revenue be?
  • What exactly will I pay myself?
  • What exact problems will be solved?
  • What exactly will my focus be?
  • How many days/hours will I work each week?
  • What will my profit be?

Next Steps: The $500/hr job you’re not doing: