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Join Susan Bradley on The Ecommerce Roadmap. Each week, we'll take you behind the scenes of real stores where you’re going to learn actionable strategies and tips that will fast-track the growth and profitability of your e-commerce business.

Dec 20, 2022

Have you ever thought about selling your business?

Even if you’re not ready to sell your business right now, you’ll want to listen to this episode.

Today I’m sharing a conversation I had with my good friend Ciara Stockeland.

Between us, we’ve sold 5 of our own businesses, and helped several others sell theirs too.

We’re sharing what’s possible, so you’ll want to grab a pen and take some notes.

Listen to hear:

  1. Where you are most likely to find a buyer for your business
  2. What’s most important for you to take care of before you sell
  3. How you can get started


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