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Join Susan Bradley on The Ecommerce Roadmap. Each week, we'll take you behind the scenes of real stores where you’re going to learn actionable strategies and tips that will fast-track the growth and profitability of your e-commerce business.

Sep 14, 2021

The fastest way to get the results you want

If you’ve ever found yourself trying “all the things” in an effort to get the results you want, you’re in good company. I think it happens to all of us at one time or another.

When this happens, most of us jump into action and we try a bunch of things to see if we can move the needle. But really, that’s not usually going to solve your problem.

The truth is that you’ll improve your chances of being successful if you stop and take some time to figure out why you’re not making progress. Do this, and instead of throwing spaghetti at the wall, you’ll know what you need to do to fix your problem.

It sounds simple, and I know that it doesn’t always feel simple, so I grabbed Tina Bar On, who leads our Member Success Team, and together we outlined a strategy that anyone can use.

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