Jul 21, 2020
Welcome e-commerce store owners!
Come behind the scenes with me as I show you how I’m building my next store from an idea all the way to my first $50k of sales.
You’ll see what I’m doing to get sales, hear from some store owners that have overcome challenges, and on every episode, I’ll leave you with a couple of tips that you can implement and fast track your growth.
Today I’m going to show you why you aren’t getting the sales you want ( it’s not your fault) and I’ll let you in on a secret that will give you confidence that you’re on the right track, and clarity about your next steps.
Make sure you do the assessment quiz, and we’ll send you a
package of training that is exactly right for your business
QUIZ: https://thesocialsalesgirls.typeform.com/to/HWwjWx
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